不是。 人脑有不止一个区域参与处理味觉、身体损伤及其相关负面情绪,涉及“严重到产生排斥的苦味”和“苦难”的神经活动有部分重叠,涉及轻度苦味的神经活动通常与负面情绪无关。 “苦难”还和“痛苦”有部分重叠,尤其是在产生负面情绪的部分。
The study was embedded in a population-based prospective birth cohort study. The TAS2R38 genotype (rs713598) was used as an instrumental variable (IV) to obtain unbiased effect estimates of the ...
The answer lies primarily in a gene known as TAS2R38. The TAS2R38 gene is an integral part of our DNA that helps us taste bitterness. It creates a protein that allows the tongue to taste things.