The best part of the day is when I can sit down and relax knowing I’ve done everything I needed to. A full day of school, a ...
If you have a teenager in the house who is looking bored ... them to dedicate a month to learning an exciting new skill or hobby? Here are seven things they should be able to get the hang of ...
Grandma' hobbies offer an opportunity to have fun simply from the act of doing it, and in today's chaotic world, that’s a gift that keeps on giving.” If your teen expresses interest in a ...
I remember wanting to feel 'heard' as a teenager, and I remember the adults who listened. There's a fine line, however, ...
Pursuing a hobby should not be stressful. The pressure to produce permeates our understanding of what a hobby should be. If ...
It’s a reality many parents are familiar with: teenagers spending many hours in ... Entitled “Not ‘Just A Hobby’: The Influence of Early Interest and Hobbies on Community College IT ...