The Secret Garden, a Sky original, tells the story of Mary Lennox (Dixie Egerickx), a 10-year-old girl sent to live with her Uncle Archibald Craven (Colin Firth), under the watchful eye of Mrs Medlock ...
As Agnieszka Holland’s The Secret Garden turns 30 ... When rifling through my monochrome wardrobe, I still internally quote Martha the maid’s iconic line: “Black, black or black?” ...
There, the ill-tempered and lonely Mary meets Martha, a chambermaid, who tells her of a secret garden which belonged to her aunt Lily before she died. Mary's search for the garden introduces her ...
There, the ill-tempered and lonely Mary meets Martha, a chambermaid, who tells her of a secret garden which belonged to her aunt Lily before she died. Mary's search for the garden introduces her ...