"Gentle parenting" is having a rough time of late. After years of being the parenting style du jour – and the inspiration for ...
My toddler’s first time-out turned into a battle of wills, testing my parenting skills like never before. Would discipline drive us apart—or bring us closer?
Months of gentle parenting, while helpful in many ways ... I was done being passive. It was time for time-out. “Cece, you hit Dada, so you need to sit in the time-out chair.” ...
As online schooling for children gains popularity, the importance of regular breaks becomes evident. Maintaining mental rest ...
Before following the time-out technique, explain to the child that this is not being done to punish but to teach. You can ...
As each year passed, though, I became more confident that screen time wasn't necessarily the enemy that parenting experts were making it out to be, as long as I also encouraged my kids to be ...