In a memorable episode of ITV's Tipping Point, contestant Clive achieved the show's largest-ever jackpot, winning £20,000. Host Ben Shephard was visibly moved, exclaiming, "Clive, you've done it!
In a stunning turn of events on ITV's Tipping Point, Ben Shephard was reduced to tears as one contestant, Clive, made history. The player scooped an astounding £20,000 - the largest jackpot ever ...
In an astonishing moment on ITV's Tipping Point, contestant Clive landed the show's biggest ever prize, walking away with an eye-watering £20,000 jackpot. The show's host Ben Shephard was ...
The head of one of Japan’s biggest associations of company leaders said the country had reached a “great tipping point” of corporate ... bid stories could yet drop in 2025.