Uncharted, the action-adventure film based on the famous video game saga, arrives on Netflix on February 16, 2025. Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg set off in search of a legendary treasure!
The Rolex on Holland’s wrist was an Oyster Perpetual “Celebration” Dial. The watch created a bit of hype inception when it was released two years ago. The multi-hued bubbles ...
Tom Holland’s Nathan Drake and Mark Wahlberg’s Sully? A no-brainer return, especially with Holland’s schedule subtly steering the ship. Sophia Ali as Chloe Frazer? Likely back, since her ...
Tom Holland makes his debut as Nathan Drake with Mark Wahlberg's Sully in "Uncharted," kicking off the big-screen adventures of Naughty Dog's iconic character. From "Moonfall" and "Blacklight" to ...