The Torres Strait Islands are part of the Australian ... several communities (Saibai Islanders and Mualgal people from Moa Island) have secured legal recognition of their native title rights ...
In 1999, Dr Karen Nicholls became the second ever Torres Strait Islander doctor known to graduate from university. Since then, she says there’s been a cultural shift in the health industry's ...
On the eastern Torres Strait Island of Mer (also known as Murray ... Carrying a cast-iron pot from Mer to Badu, Moa and Masig, Bero puts her twist on traditional dishes. Like many a TV chef ...
The plan almost saw the Torres Strait carved up and made part of Papua New Guinea. Elders who fought the plan have been celebrated. Saibai Island dance group Muyngu Koekaper were proud to dance at ...
The Moon is not only a guide to the best time to fish and plant food, it also provides evidence of a long connection between the people on different islands in the Torres Strait.