LeVar Burton is set to host a game show version of the classic trivia game “Trivial Pursuit,” which is currently in development at Entertainment One (eOne). “’Trivial Pursuit’ is one of ...
Retired maths teacher Cornelius O'Donovan, from Thirsk, has appeared on 32 TV quiz shows in 30 years and says he is ...
When Haney wondered what kind of game, Abbott had a ready answer. “Trivia,” he said. By the next morning, the two had sketched out a rough idea for what would become Trivial Pursuit.
The game has become a holiday tradition with families around the world since its launch in 1981. Ashley Byrne has been speaking to the designer of Trivial Pursuit, Michael Wurstlin, about how it ...
I was terrible at it. Trivial Pursuit is hard! But I like it. Now, I get trivia games emailed to me and I enjoy watching “Jeopardy!” with my mom, which I did especially during the COVID-19 ...