"The main aim of this work was to study particle acceleration in the turbulence agnostically of initial conditions, to be able to answer the question above without 'pollution' from pre-turbulence ...
GEM is a comprehensive electromagnetic gyrokinetic delta-f particle code that includes the full dynamics of gyrokinetic ions and drift-kinetic electrons. Magnetic perturbations perpendicular to the ...
Research in Shaw's group has focused on understanding the influence of turbulence on cloud particle growth through condensation and collisions, and on understanding the nucleation process through ...
Thanks to its unique design, the flow is highly uniform in the test section, with a very low turbulence intensity of 0.05%. The wind tunnel is equipped with a 3-axis overhead ATI force balance system, ...
Since a 73-year-old British man died on board a Singapore Airlines flight in May, turbulence has been examined more closely. Another 71 people were sent to hospital after the Boeing 777 diverted ...
The particle-continuum method: an algorithmic unification of particle-in-cell and continuum methods, S. Vadlamani, S. Parker, Y. Chen and C. Kim, Comp. Phys. Comm., Article in press, (2004). A ...