While this regulation is UK-specific, guidance on overseas funds domiciled in the European Union is expected later in 2024. A recent SFDR consultation discussed whether Article 8 & 9 funds should ...
The EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) raises the bar for investment products by setting strict minimum-disclosure standards to prevent greenwashing. Managers must disclose ...
2 para. 22 SFDR). How does UBS integrate sustainability risk in its policies? Sustainability risk factors may have a material impact on the value of an investment. They may increase volatility, may ...
Friedman added that while the UK’s approach benefits from lessons learnt from the EU’s SFDR framework, firms still face compliance burdens and concerns over unintended consequences ...
BNP Paribas’ THEAM Quant platform, in collaboration with BNP Paribas Exane Research, has launched the THEAM Quant – Nuclear Opportunities fund (“the Fund”) as they continue to develop their ...