This bug also appears to be the main cause of gastritis ... drugs can eradicate the bacterial infection, allowing the stomach lining to return to normal and ulcers to heal. As with many infections ...
The infection can cause peptic ulcer disease as well as stomach cancer. The environment within the stomach undergoes continuous changes, requiring the bacteria to adapt by adjusting the expression ...
Many researchers see the disappearance of the bacteria as cause for celebration. After all, scientists have known for more than two decades that H. pylori causes stomach ulcers and gastric cancer.
pylori bacteria, said the Ministry ... per cent of the world's population. It can cause a wide range of gastrointestinal disorders, including peptic ulcers, gastritis, dyspepsia, and even gastric ...
Infection with H.pylori disrupts the mucus layer and thus allows the acid to cause inflammation and ulcer in stomach cells. Upper abdominal pain, bloating, retching and stomach heaviness are the ...
Australian professor Barry Marshall however did just that. He swallowed a cocktail of bacteria to prove that stomach ulcers are bacterial in origin rather than stress or lifestyle-related.
Unfortunately, for many patients the symptoms recurred ... 1 to quantify the correlation between the presence of bacteria and stomach ulcers or chronic gastritis, and their results revealed ...
Diseases causing dry eyes also make you susceptible to corneal ulcer as they prevent the growth of germ-fighting bacteria in the eyes. A corneal ulcer can be diagnosed by a careful eye examination.
Whenever I have a mouth ulcer, I find myself reminiscing back to the days that my mouth didn’t hurt. Those halcyon times when a cup of tea was comforting, not biting. When a packet of salt and ...