the primary fission material produced from thorium, is harder to use for weapons purposes than uranium-235 or plutonium-239. This means there is less of a risk its wider use will pose a ...
Thorium-232, the only naturally occurring isotope of thorium, is considered ‘fertile’ for fission. This means that it needs a driver, such as uranium or plutonium, to trigger and maintain a chain ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment ...
Prosecutors said samples of the alleged nuclear materials were obtained and a U.S. federal lab found they contained uranium, thorium and plutonium, and that the “the isotope composition of the ...
But, in the spirit of rebranding, it is interesting to note that the main source of Earth's internal heat comes from the radioactive decay of uranium, thorium and potassium-40 that keeps the outer ...
Prosecutors said samples of the alleged nuclear materials were obtained and a US federal lab found they contained uranium, thorium and plutonium, and that "the isotope composition of the plutonium ...
Authorization to purchase, store, use or dispose of Uranium and Thorium compounds, such as Acetates or Nitrates must be obtained from the Radiation Safety Committee or the Radiation Safety Officer.
Recent annual production of natural uranium world-wide has been between 55,000 and 65,000 tons of uranium metal, similar to the fuel demand. Additionally, thorium is also being investigated as a ...
Despite an LWR doing some breeding of its own, converting some of the 238 U to plutonium ... the energy we can obtain from uranium (and conceivably thorium) by many times, increasing even the ...
Use of thorium-based reactors would make North Korea's use of nuclear power less threatening since, unlike uranium, it does not produce plutonium needed to make weapons. India's nuclear power ...
Uranium is unstable and radioactive and has the potential to be weaponized, so it’s definitely not a substance that anyone would want moving around freely among the public. The radioactive element ...
Thorium is now being ... less waste and more energy than uranium, is meltdown-proof, has no weapons-grade by-products and can even consume legacy plutonium stockpiles.