People impersonating US soldiers have been at Checkpoint Charlie ... gas masks and pieces of the Berlin Wall can be found for sale. The move echoes a decision from 2015, when authorities in ...
Who would have known a holiday trip to Germany in December 1989, would have offered an opportunity to be an eyewitness to, ...
Alarmed by the building of the Berlin Wall ... they already had troops stationed there. Which side decided to avoid an action that could provoke armed conflict? Eg the US took no action to ...
July 3: British and American soldiers take over their Berlin zones ... Berliners into the West and begin construction of a Berlin Wall dividing the two parts of the city. April 16: Clay dies.
The building of the Berlin Wall The response of the West The impact ... preparing to sit down for a summit meeting in Paris, an American U2 spy plane was shot down over the USSR.