目前的指南建议,对于确诊或疑似膀胱癌的住院患者,若无禁忌证,应启动预防性抗凝治疗。低分子肝素(LMWH)因半衰期长、生物利用度高、无需频繁监测凝血功能,成为指南推荐的 VTE 预防一线药物。非维生素 K 拮抗剂口服抗凝剂(NOACs)虽使用方便,但在癌症术后 VTE 预防方面的研究较少,目前仍推荐使用高剂量 LMWH 进行预防。
The Medical Protection Society says lessons can be learned from the case of a patient given an incorrect risk score for ...
Venous thromboembolism risk varies across hormonal contraceptives, according to a research letter published in JAMA.
T HURSDAY, Feb. 13, 2025 (HealthDay News) -- Venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk varies across hormonal contraceptives, according to a research letter published online Feb. 10 in the Journal of the ...
Frimley Health has played a key role in a research trial that could change national guidance for certain surgeries ...