中关村在线获悉,西部数据发布26TB WD Red Pro HDD,这是专为满足NAS环境日益增长的存储需求,为多盘位、经过RAID优化的系统中,提供更强性能、可扩展性和高可靠性,以支持高强度工作负载。
周二,市值153.6亿美元的科技硬件行业领军企业Western Digital Corp (NASDAQ: WDC ...
Western Digital unveils 26TB Red Pro NAS drive, priced at $569.99 Built for RAID-optimized systems it promises 6Gb/s and ...
Western Digital has a huge external hard drive capable of storing 20TB. Right now, Amazon has dropped it from its launch ...
在当前数据存储需求不断增长的背景下,西部数据(Western Digital,WD)近期重磅发布了一系列专业级存储解决方案,旨在迎合市场对大容量、高性能存储的迫切渴望。此次发布的新品缺乏不是一项简单的更新,而是针对不断发展的行业需求而精心设计,确保创意工作者和企业用户能在工作中得心应手。抢眼的新品之一是闪迪大师极锐G-RAID SHUTTLE ...
I remember the first HDD I owned in a system was 64MB. OK, I didn’t build that system, it was some pre-made piece of junk and ...
Western Digital (WDC) reachead $41.89 at the closing of the latest trading day, reflecting a -1.71% change compared to its last close.
Western Digital (WDC) announced that it has hired Ahmed Shihab as Chief Product Officer. Shihab, a seasoned expert in cloud storage needs and ...