The record holder must surely be the brown thrasher, with over 2000 songs in its repertoire. The sedge warbler produces some of the longest and most complicated of all bird songs. An individual ...
Sometimes described as 'nondescript and featureless', what this bird lacks in plumage flare, it more than makes up for with its vocals. The song of garden warbler is beautiful, similar to the ...
A bird’s songs range from crowing ... species where the male lays claim to the best singing. This member of the warbler ...
It has a scratchy, “chittery” song. And its contact call sounds like a moody teenager going meh ... ‘amber’, according to the RSPB), ‘it’s still a very special thing to see; a celebrity in the bird ...
In the famous Darwin’s finches from the Galápagos Islands, for instance, there is a 40-fold difference in bite force between the tiny-beaked Green Warbler-finch and the massive-beaked Large ...