WARREN TWP. - Police responded to a fraud incident, package theft and several motor vehicle crashes, including some driving under the influence charges, between Feb. 21 and Feb. 26.
Troopers stopped a tractor trailer Tuesday in the eastbound lanes of Route 78 in Greenwich Township near Exit 4 (Warren Glen) ...
A report taken by Warren Township School Police says officers were called just before 9 a.m. Thursday to the intersection of E. 35th Street and N. Richardt Avenue for a “simple assault ...
N.J. -- A man shot and killed a person in Warren County ... Alphano Road in Independence Township, said the county prosecutor's office. Township police, New Jersey State Police and the ...
WARREN, NJ — Four smash and grab burglaries targeting ... and unoccupied at the time of the burglaries. The Warren Township Police Detective Bureau processed the crime scenes.