Beautiful, diverse, ephemeral and mysterious. Those were just some of the words Micah Kloppenburg used to describe pollinators. Kloppenburg has been particularly engaged this week; he's a ...
Directly beneficial insects include pollinators and insect predators and parasites of pests. Other insects provide humans with material goods such as honey (honey bees), silk (silk moths), dyes ...
WWF works to sustain the natural world for the benefit of people and wildlife, collaborating with partners from local to ...
It turns out bees are responsible for a lot more than just making honey. In fact, if bees were to disappear, it could lead to ...
Three-quarters of global crop species depend on pollinators, but this free service is under increasing threat from climate change. In countries like Nepal, where climate change is hitting hard, ...
Many plants, including crops and the beautiful flowers we like to surround ourselves with, rely on pollination for survival. Pollination is not just the work of honeybees. Meet some of the buzzing, ...
Pollinators are insects that visit the flowers we grow. They drink the nectar from the flowers and when they do, they get sticky pollen grains on their body which they take from flower to flower.
This is called pollination. When the pollen lands on the stigma it travels down the style towards the ovary. Once the pollen reaches the ovary it hopes to find an ovule to attach to. This is ...
Pollinators play a vital role in plant reproduction. Without pollinating insects, many of our crops and wild plants wouldn't survive. You can help pollinating insects by growing food for them. You don ...
We’ve shown that pollinator biodiversity tends to be higher in larger fragments of the Garry Oak Ecosystem, but this is largely due to the response of some (but not all) nesting guilds of bees. Pollen ...