They look pretty pre-historic, but they do taste good ... eggs in the summer and the crayfish just march into those nests and eat every egg and if they run out of food, they just start eating ...
Following Louisiana custom, a crawfish etouffee also presents them in a new and exciting way, incorporating it into a traditionally shrimp-based dish. For more food and drink goodness, join The ...
I’m very keen to impress my friends with delicious crayfish rolls. What’s the best way to serve them and how do I go about prepping the crayfish — I hear that you buy them alive!?
I’ve been given a very large frozen cooked crayfish but I’ve never in my life prepped one myself. Can you please give me a few pointers to how I should go about prepping and eventually eating ...
After liturgy today, we had a crawfish boil for them, to show them how we do it in this corner of Orthodixie. We had a pastor and his family from Salt Lake City visiting as well. Here’s Father ...