The main tool of econometrics is the linear multiple regression model, which provides a formal approach to estimating how a change in one economic variable, the explanatory variable, affects the ...
Running Regressions introduces first-year social science undergraduates, particularly those studying economics and business, to the practical aspects of simple regression analysis, without adopting an ...
as the course makes extensive use of econometric theorems and techniques, and solidly grounded in intuition, as it provides numerous examples of tests of real-life relations. Many of these examples ...
The book is oriented to the practitioner. A basic understanding of the linear regression model with matrix algebra is assumed. The text can be used for a microeconometrics course, typically a ...
Note, EC2C3 is mutually exclusive with EC220, EC221, and MG205. This course is an applied introduction to econometrics. The focus is on regression-based techniques and interpreting results in applied ...