Treat it like a living creature -- because it is! To turn your SCOBY into kombucha, let it ferment for seven to 10 days. Give it a taste after a week, and keep going until it's got the right ...
Maybe, but take a good look at the label before you down ... which involves using the jellyfish-like scoby. Making kombucha yourself also requires you to be super meticulous about keeping ...
Kombucha (pronounced kom-booch-a) is not the only scoby drink, kefir sodas do the same good work. Water kefir grains look like irregularly shaped lumps of cooked rice which increase in volume as ...
However, given the delicate nature of the SCOBY (symbiotic ... ready-to-drink kombucha on top until the bottle is filled," she explains. "Add more fruit juice if you like juicier kombucha, or ...