Semicolons must combine similar elements and are either used to combine complete sentences or items in a long ... If you can mentally insert "namely," "that is," or "in fact" between the two sentences ...
A colon is used to give emphasis, present dialogue ... (He wrote "Crisis Management by Apology: Corporate Response to Allegations of Wrongdoing.") A semicolon has two general uses: to clarify a series ...
Colons : and semi colons ; are punctuation marks that connect phrases in a sentence. This technique should be familiar to you as you will have studied it at 3rd level. Use this guide to revise and ...
A full stop could often be used instead of a semicolon, but the effect on the reader would change. As in this famous opening line from a Charles Dickens’ novel, A Tale of Two Cities ...
Semicolons are often used to join parts of a sentence together to establish variety and link related ideas. Unlike a colon, which separates an independent clause from descriptive ... he is ...
Use a colon: a colon should be used to join two sentences only when the second sentence explains the first sentence. Don’t: Go overboard on incorporating colons or semi‐colons, as they can negatively ...