How the Ural River is flooding Orsk, Orenburg, and beyond Since the end of March, over 20 regions in Russia have been affected by floods. The cause is attributed to the snowy winter and sudden thaw.
So, now the question arises: Which river forms the border between Asia and Europe? The answer is the Ural River. It flows through Kazakhstan on the continental border between Europe and Asia.
TASS/. The level of the Ural River near Orenburg has increased by 12 cm to 1,022 cm, the city’s emergency services told TASS. "At 8:00 p.m. (3:00 p.m. GMT), 10 m 22 cm was reported," the service ...
We're guessing that the guy with the stick might be there to help figure out the river's depth ... At least with the Ural's sidecar, someone could take a buddy home if his bike gets sent downstream.
The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation held the fourth meeting of the Russian-Kazakh Commission for the conservation of the ecosystem of the basin of the transboundary Ural River.