All parents can agree that watching your baby’s first teeth come in is a very exciting milestone! To help you keep track of your little one’s tooth growth, we’ve created a simple Baby Teeth ...
But once those little pearly whites start popping up, then what? Baby teeth, also called primary or deciduous teeth, are temporary placeholders for the permanent set, but they play an important ...
When do babies start teething? Which teeth come first? How do you soothe your teething baby? These questions and more ...
However if one tooth looks more grey than the teeth next to it, that could indicate that the tooth has had a bit of trauma. So again, mention that to your dentist. Gaps in baby teeth or teeth ...
Around age six, most of us begin to lose baby teeth in a process called eruption, exchanging our delicate, first set for more burly, permanent teeth. The phenomenon calls to mind the critters that ...