Google shipped over 10 million cardboard headsets and Gear VR sold over 5 million units, which means there are a whole lot of lenses in empty headsets laying around, waiting to be harvested and ...
Putting on a headset and using virtual monitors in VR instead of physical ones is a ... As soon as one begins to have to move one’s head to read the whole screen, things get very tiresome ...
We've rounded up the best VR headsets on the market from Meta, HTC Vive, Playstation and more so you can explore new worlds from the comfort of this one. The world of virtual reality is more ...
I’ve reviewed more than a thousand different consumer electronics products including headphones, speakers, TVs, and every major game system and VR headset of the last decade. I’m an ISF ...
Today we’re looking at the game Synapse and exploring the concept of embodiment and what makes it important to VR games. Editor’s Note: It’s hard to believe a whole year has passed since ...