There are about 34,000 different types of worm; many are so small you wouldn't be able to see them without a microscope! Worms are hermaphrodite, which means they have both male and female ...
He put the worm under his microscope. The specimen turned out to be a nematode known as Gongylonema pulchrum, a member of a genus of parasites that are more often found in livestock than people. In ...
The deeper you look into a sample, the fuzzier the image becomes. A worm embryo or a piece of tissue may only be tens of ...
In a rare medical case, parasitic worms grew underneath a woman's upper eyelid.
Depth degradation is a problem biologists know all too well: The deeper you look into a sample, the fuzzier the image becomes. A worm embryo or a piece of tissue may only be tens of microns thick, but ...
In the 1970s, scientists from several countries proposed to reconstruct, one by one, all the neurons in the brain as they appear under an electron microscope. They started with a small worm.
Vinegar eel "flash mob" caught under the microscope! Researchers were stunned when they measured the force of the roiling worm swarm.
Researchers from HHMI's Janelia Research Campus and collaborators have developed a new AI method that produces sharp ...