Hawaii's DAGS reflects on the 25th anniversary of Y2K, recalling efforts to prevent chaos and a resulting love story.
Someday it was going to happen, and that day is now. In 2024, we got a period piece movie based on Y2K. Kyle Mooney’s “disaster-comedy” depicts a world wherein the transition from December ...
25 years ago the world overcame the Y2K crisis. John Barron looks at how Australia beat the millennium bug, a global panic over fears our computer systems would meltdown when the date hit 1/1/2000.
Former Saturday Night Live cast member Kyle Mooney brings 1999 nostalgia to life in his directorial debut horror comedy, Y2K. The film is set on the last night of 1999, where high school juniors ...
Favored by the Gen Z population in the 2020s, Y2K fashion includes flip phones, high-contrast colors, low-rise jeans and space-age clothes. See Y2K problem and Y2K anxiety. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR ...
Y2K, the directorial debut of Saturday Night Live cast member Kyle Mooney, is part romcom, part tech-horror, and too unfocused to commit to either one. The turn-of-the-millennium throwback leans ...