YOLO 系列模型的结构创新一直围绕 CNN 展开,而让 transformer 具有统治优势的 attention 机制一直不是 YOLO 系列网络结构改进的重点。这主要的原因是 attention 机制的速度无法满足 YOLO 实时性的要求。本周三放出的 YOLOv12 着力改变这一现状并取得具有优势的性能。
TensorRT10相比TensorRT8有多处SDK的更新与改动,作者基于之前TensorRT8封装了YOLO推理的类,在升级到TensorRT10版本以后一通猛改之后,最早封装好的推理YOLO类支持YOLOv8、YOLO11、YOLO12一键推理 ...
Both “YOLO,” which premiered its third season on Sunday, and “Smiling Friends” exist in worlds where anything can and does happen. Night clubs open in the beds of oversized interstellar ...
What Caltrans means to say is that eastbound US-50 in West Sacramento, from the I-80 split to Jefferson Avenue, will be 100% ...