作为极氪的全新旗舰车型,极氪9X似乎坚信“大力出奇迹”,从目前媒体曝光的车辆配置来看,其硬件水平在当前百万级车型中均保持领先。我们以其智能化功能为例,极氪9X预计将搭载5颗激光雷达,分别位于前端、两侧和后方,能实现全方位的路况感知,内部芯片将搭载两颗英伟达Thor芯片,拥有1400TOPS的算力支持,相较双Orin-X有着1.75倍的性能提升,而与这样的硬件配置相匹配的则是吉利“千里浩瀚”的L3级 ...
Want a Zeekr 009 but in an SUV form factor? Zeekr has teased its upcoming 9X and it appears to be a premium SUV that takes on ...
system which allows the MPV to act as a “power bank” and power external electrical appliances. Physically, the XPeng X9 is longer than its close rivals such as the Denza D9, Zeeker 009 ...