But, not following the correct safety guidelines can increase the risk of your child getting ... stay in a booster seat past a certain age. Do you have any strategies or tips for keeping them ...
Join the car seat testing team at CR’s Auto Test Center to learn why our tests go above and beyond. We combine the results of these tests to determine the Overall Score. Car seats are ranked in ...
Child safety seats come in various types. Those with their own built-in harnesses are designed for infants and toddlers up to 4 years old. Older children are recommended to use booster seats that ...
During its latest round of child car seat testing, Consumer Reports found two seats with concerning results: Both of these infant car seats meet federal safety standards and have no reported ...
(WBAY) - A child safety expert wants to remind families ... Eithun also wants to remind parents about car seat safety in the winter. Winnebago County Public Health has a good resource posted ...
Last week's Cruising Altitude:3 questions about aviation safety that are sparking debate Nelson said that if you want your child to be able to fly in their car seat, it’s important to actually ...