靶向HER3的肿瘤药物研发,之所以进展缓慢。主要是由于HER3本身结合力较低,不具有如HER2等其他家族成员的内在激酶活性,且没有合适的反映HER3激活与否的Biomarker,进而给药物研发带来非常大的困扰。但鉴于Her3靶点正常成人的胃肠道、生殖 ...
12 月 5 日,Merus 公司宣布其开发的Bizengri(Zenocutuzumab) 生物制品许可申请 (BLA) 获得美国 FDA 批准上市,用于治疗神经调节蛋白 1 融合 (NRG1+) 非小细胞肺癌 (NSCLC) 和 NRG1+ ...
Bizengri是一种双特异性抗体,可与细胞表面表达的HER2和HER3的胞外结构域(包括肿瘤细胞)结合,抑制HER2:HER3二聚化并阻止NRG1与HER3结合。Bizengri通过 ...
据报道,礼来12月4日公告,替尔泊肽减肥版Zepound与司美格鲁肽减肥版Wegovy相比,实现了1.47倍的相对体重减轻。在第72周的临床研究中,针对肥胖或 ...
HLX11是复宏汉霖自主研发的帕妥珠单抗生物类似药,拟联合曲妥珠单抗和化疗用于早期乳腺癌及/或与原研药药品标签相符的其他适应症。2022年6月,复宏汉霖与Organon(欧加农)签订协议,授予其及其附属公司于除中国境内及港澳台地区以外全球范围内商业化 ...
Press Release Distributed by ABNewswire.com To view the original version on ABNewswire visit: Rare NRG1 Fusion Therapeutics ...
EGF receptor (EGFR) and HER2 are two members of the ErbB/HER-family of tyrosine-kinase receptors that are frequently altered in breast cancer and several other malignancies, which inspired the ...
a HER2-targeted antibody that disrupts receptor heterodimerization between EGFR/HER2 and HER2/HER3; CP-751871, an IGF1R-targeted antibody; the IGF1R kinase inhibitor NVP-AEW541; and the mammalian ...
Figure 1. HER3 signaling boosts NSCLC cell growth and survival by forming heterodimers with EGFR, HER2, MET, AXL, or IGF-1R, activating multiple pathways. Image Credit: Sino Biological Inc.
HER2 testing and targeted therapy are well established in the management of breast cancer. Now, a study by Chiu and colleagues reports that HER3 status is also an important prognostic marker of ...