【太平洋科技快讯】近日,关于苹果公司新一代操作系统iOS19的爆料浮出水面,令人期待。根据最新消息,iOS19将延续对现有iOS18的兼容,支持全线iPhone机型。这意味着,2018年发布的iPhone XS、iPhone XS ...
【CNMO科技消息】近日,CNMO注意到,有外媒公布了一份关于哪些iPhone型号将兼容iOS 19的清单。据称,以下iPhone型号将能支持iOS 19系统:  iPhone 16系列(包括iPhone 16、iPhone 16 ...
近日,苹果公司悄然开启了iOS 19的研发进程,并在这一重要更新中秉持了对老旧设备的友好态度,让不少用户纷纷感慨“良心”之举。根据最新曝光的信息,iOS 19将继续为包括iPhone XS、iPhone XS Max和iPhone XR在内的多款老机型提供支持,令人倍感欣喜。 这些设备自2018年9月起便已发售,苹果连续第二年在其主要的年度系统更新中不弃老款机型,这无疑是在信任和用户关怀方面迈出的 ...
Rather than cutting the pricing after the debut of iPhone 11 Pro models, Apple will instead discontinue last year's OLED iPhones. Apple is establishing a pattern of only offering its OLED iPhone ...
the iPhone XS series included a faster A12 Bionic chip and better cameras. Apple discontinued the device the following year when the iPhone 11 Pro Max replaced it. Apple positioned the 2018 ...
I’ve been using the largest possible iPhone since the XS Max and have bought the ‘Pro Max’ flavor ever since it was introduced with the iPhone 11 Pro Max in 2019. For the past five years, I’ve ...
The Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max was launched in India in September, 2019. The Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max is a bit expensive and feature-rich, while the Apple iPhone 11 is a bit less and lacks some features.
With Shortcuts and the new iPhone XS and XS Max, it was time for an update ... Updated shortcuts for the Apple Watch Series 4 and MacBook Pro line are on my list to work on next. In the meantime, I’m ...