其次,使用多种专业评估工具,如《儿童感觉统合评定量表》(Children Sensory Integration Rating Scale,CSIRS)评估感官整合能力,《感觉处理和自我调节检查表》(Sensory Processing and Self-Regulation Checklist,SPSRC)评估触觉反应等。最后,运用 HD-tDCS 设备进行刺激 ...
such as transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), has been explored in ADHD,” Kerstin Krauel, PhD, of the department of child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy at Otto von ...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - Insufficient in-state resources are forcing the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services to ...
tDCS works by changing the voltage in nerve ... enough known about its potential effects in the developing brains of children and teenagers, or those who might be susceptible to epilepsy etc.