To understand these anomalies in later lists, we must ask: How were the twelve tribes of Israel formed? Clarity on that issue will guide us in recognizing differences in later lists that claim to ...
The picture will become clearer when Moshiach comes. In the meantime, let’s daven and pray for an easier time and a redemption of mercy for the people of Israel!
Interestingly, the word shevet is spelled the same way in Hebrew as other words including the month of Shevat, and the Hebrew word for cloning.
Over 2,700 years ago, the Assyrians exiled the ten tribes of the Kingdom of Israel. The ten tribes would have returned at once to the Holy Land had not the Lord encircled them with the legendary ...
In biblical teachings, the Israelite nation was composed of 12 tribes. However, the traces of 10 tribes vanished during the early days of Israel's civilisation. Experts use advanced technology to ...
The number twelve was symbolic as it represented the twelve tribes of Israel in Jewish scriptures. The mission of the twelve was three fold - to preach, perform exorcisms (drive out evil spirits ...