新款斯巴鲁WRXtS版来了,它真的值那个价吗?这个问题在车迷圈里炸开了锅。有人说,它不过是WRX TR版的“换皮”升级,溢价严重;也有人说,STI的调校加持,让它脱胎换骨,物有所值。那么,真相究竟如何?让我们剥开层层迷雾,深入探究这款新车的真实实力。 首先,我们得承认,WRX tS版在外形上确实没有进行大刀阔斧的改变。一眼望去,它与TR版几乎如出一辙。但仔细观察,你会发现一些微妙的差异。例如,前格 ...
Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) is a recommended sale price provided by the automaker. Where presented on its own, the price is for a base model without options and before taxes ...
Actual terms vary by lender. Base shown (base trim). The 2022 Subaru WRX price depends on several factors, including the trim level, optional features, mileage, vehicle history and location.
The Subaru WRX competes against a variety of machinery across several segments. Subaru WRX's are fast and handle well, However, Subaru offers a degree of practicality that puts them up against many ...
That's $313 cheaper than the average cost for a Subaru WRX. The price of insuring a WRX doesn't change much over time. In fact, a full coverage policy for a 2022 WRX is 5% less expensive than ...