In recent years, researchers have documented salmon surviving in North Slope rivers, bowhead whales expanding their foraging ...
Despite its harsh conditions, the Arctic supports an astonishing variety of life, from microscopic plankton to some of the largest predators on Earth. This article explores ten remarkable animals ...
mainly other arctic wolves, foxes, and some carnivorous birds. After the meal, it’s time to play. Two one-year-olds pick on a pup. Such play allows the animals to bond and teaches pups how to ...
The research could then be collated in the form of a class poster or to start a wildlife fact file under the topic of ‘Arctic animals’.
The research could then be collated in the form of a class poster or to start a wildlife fact file under the topic of ‘Arctic animals’.
The animals are colonizing northern Alaska in earnest, moving at about five miles per year. Tape believes there are now up to 800 beaver pond complexes in Arctic Alaska, including the one with the ...
Humpback whales, spanning up to 8,000 km; Albatrosses, traveling 75,000 miles annually; Caribou migrating 1,500 mil ...
“Climate change poses an existential threat to the Alaskan glacier buttercup and so many Arctic plants and animals,” said Cooper Freeman, Alaska representative at the Center. “Without more protections ...