The Purdue Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and the Laboratory Animal Program perform distinct and complementary roles to ensure animal well-being in research, testing, and teaching. The ...
The University of Helsinki is committed to communicating openly and transparently about the animals it uses in research and teaching, as well as their welfare and care. Three main principles For ...
Animal researchers need to close all aspects of their research when retiring from the university or departing for other institutions.
The Institute of Cancer Research believes that animal research is essential to understand how cancers develop and behave within a whole organism, and how to treat it effectively. We use animal studies ...
According to US Department of Agriculture reports, each year some 800,000 warm-blooded animals are used in research in the United States, with another 100,000+ held in research facilities but not used ...
Request for feedback and information on updating the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals The Standing Committee for the Care and Use of Animals in Research is soliciting feedback and ...
Both animal and human lives have been improved by the use of animals in science. This includes a better understanding of disease and the discovery of treatments. Wildlife and the environment also ...
However, a new calculation based on data collected from 16 large American research facilities has been offered by Dr. Larry Carbone in Scientific Reports. In his January 12 paper, Carbone suggests ...
Study at Massey to get hands-on experience in specialist vet clinics for cats and dogs, farm animals, horses and wild birds. Enrol today. AWSBC is part of the School of Veterinary Science at Massey in ...