Previously reported Phase 1/2 data on WU-CART-007 demonstrated clinically manageable safety and evidence of anti-leukemic activity with an ...
近日,陆道培医院陆佩华院长作为第一作者和通讯作者,在国际血液学权威期刊 Blood(IF = 21)在线发表了题为「Nanobody-based Naturally Selected CD7-Targeted ...
CTD402 is a universal CAR-T cell product targeting CD7 derived from healthy donors and intended for the treatment of T-ALL/LBL. It is genetically modified to avoid fratricide, graft-versus-host ...
CTD402 is a universal CAR-T cell product targeting CD7 derived from healthy donors and intended for the treatment of T-ALL/LBL. It is genetically modified to avoid fratricide, graft-versus-host ...