The Geneva, Switzerland, company, which owns several semiconductor manufacturing facilities in Europe and east Asia, has developed new silicon photonics and BiCMOS silicon-germanium processes ... a ...
Mario Paniccia, Intel fellow and director of Intel's Photonics Technology Lab, talks to Nature Photonics about the company's progress in commercializing high-speed silicon photonics. We have been ...
The field of silicon photonics is gaining significant momentum because it allows optical devices to be made cheaply using standard semiconductor fabrication techniques and integrated with ...
Active areas of research include: Silicon Photonics, Quantum Integrated Photonics (Quantum Computing, Communication and Sensing), Nonlinear Optics, Heterogeneous integration (III-V lasers, modulators ...
in Ireland have demonstrated a seamless silicon nanowire junction that can be used for photodetector and display technology. These material properties allow the functionality of a junction ...