研究人员推测它们可能限制 HIV-1 进入 MDDCs。为此,他们采用了 BlaM - Vpr HIV 进入检测法,这是一种灵敏的定量病毒进入的方法。 实验结果显示,敲低 FNBP1L、ARHGAP24 和 ATP6V1B1 后,HIV-1 感染时的进入速率增加。无论是感染 CXCR4 嗜性还是 CCR5 嗜性的 HIV-1,敲低这些 ...
HIV-1 Vif induces a unique and prolonged pseudo-metaphase arrest by disrupting phosphatase feedback regulation at the kinetochore.
Of note, the vector particles, used in our experiments, were produced in the absence of all HIV-1 accessory proteins (vif, vpr, vpu, and nef), indicating that these proteins do not appear to be ...