在2025世界纺织数码印花大会广州峰会上,国际数码印花领域权威专家Jos Notermans确认出席并将在会上发表重磅演讲。此次峰会他将以《中期ITMA:2023年的期望是否实现,数字印刷的未来将带来什么?》为题,为全球从业者带来一场深度行业洞察盛宴 ...
One was Adolf Hitler, for whom the newspapers ran the headline "It's That Man Again" whenever he made a new territorial demand in Europe. When it was first broadcast, ITMA was not considered a success ...
The Heritage is the digital continuation of the exhibition event showcased at ITMA 2023 Milan, the world’s leading trade fair for the textile machinery sector. It represents the digital evolution of a ...
India has 29 states with at least 720 districts comprising of approximately 6 lakh villages, and over 8200 cities and towns. Indian postal department has allotted a unique postal code of pin code ...