The Sunday gospel lectionary reading for the Second Sunday before Lent in Year C is Luke 8.22–25, the concise account by Luke ...
It was full of 153 large fish, but even with so many the net was not torn.' Jesus again appeared to his disciples after his resurrection in the Book of John and repeated the miracle by directing ...
Today's short Gospel reading about the feeding of the four thousand reveals a stark contrast between the mindsets of Jesus and his disciples. Both pose questions, but the nature of their questions is ...
Christians are in the season of Eastertide, the time between Easter and Pentecost. We celebrated the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. And, we will celebrate the Holy Spirit and the birth of ...
It says that, on this particular night, Simon Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples, and the others had been fishing all night. However, they didn’t catch a single fish all night ...