在研究结论与讨论部分,研究人员发现,通过 SNP 估计的 LDL-C 降低与 CAD 风险的显著降低密切相关。这意味着,LDL-C 降低药物靶点基因在降低 CAD 风险方面具有重要潜力,为未来临床治疗提供了新的方向。同时,研究还发现,不同基因对降低 CAD 风险的效果存在差异,LDLR 基因的影响最为显著。而且,亚洲人群与西方人群在 LDL-C 降低基因的 SNP 频率以及这些基因对 LDL-C ...
Medically reviewed by Suzanne Fisher, RD If you have high cholesterol, knowing which foods support heart health and which ...
和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol,LDL-C)水平通常更高,而高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol,HDL-C)水平更低。而且,孕期血脂异常,尤其是孕中期的 TG、TC 和 LDL-C 水平异常,还和产后糖代谢异常风险增加有关。 但让人困惑 ...
Here are the top 5 home-made drinks that can help keep LDL cholesterol levels under control, and keep the heart healthy.
Ensuring your body gets enough of the 'good' type of cholesterol is just as important as staying away from the 'bad' type – ...
High cholesterol can lead to deadly diseases, but researchers say a common item in your kitchen could help tackle it. Here's ...
High cholesterol, particularly the LDL type known as "bad cholesterol," can lead to serious health issues such as blockages, ...