At 17:00 London time (01:00 Beijing time on March 22), the three-month copper contract closed down $81, or 0.82%, at $9,855.50 per mt. The contract had hit a five-month high of $10,046.50 per mt on ...
伦敦金属交易所(LME)铜价周四一度上涨0.5%,至每吨10,040美元,为去年10月以来的最高。纽约Comex铜价逼近纪录高位。亚洲盘早市,LME铜价报每吨 ...
LME铜价自今年年初以来已上涨14%。不过,纽约铜期货涨幅已达到26%,价格接近纪录高点。这种溢价促使贸易商和生产商在潜在关税实施之前继续将供应转移到美国。 【3月LPR报价出炉:5年期和1年期利率均维持不变】财联社3月20日电,3月贷款市场报价利率(LPR)报价出炉:5年期以上LPR为3.6%,上月为3.6%。1年期LPR为3.1%,上月为3.1%。
Britain's financial regulator fined the London Metal Exchange on Thursday for allowing nickel prices to surge out of control ...
The London Metal Exchange (LME) inventory data released on March 20 showed an increase of 3,200 mt in lead inventory, with a buildup of 2,725 mt in the Singapore warehouse and 500 mt in the Kaohsiung ...
智通财经APP获悉,由于非洲一家大型矿山停产,锡价延续涨势,伦敦金属交易所 (LME)锡价创下了今年最大涨幅。LME锡价上涨了3.3%,此前周四已上涨7.4%,原因是Alphamin Resources ...
Tin prices extended gains, as a halt to production at a major mine in Africa continues to fan this year’s biggest rally on ...
Elliott had challenged the LME’s decision to retroactively cancel $12 billion in trades when nickel prices spiked in March 2022, but two UK courts ruled that the exchange’s actions were lawful.
LONDON (Reuters) - Significant amounts of lead have been deposited in London Metal Exchange (LME) approved warehouses by Citigroup for so-called rent-sharing deals over the past few days ...