近年来,随着制造业对自动化需求的不断增长,为PLC、运动控制器和CNC等工业控制器设备提供多样化的网络支持变得尤为重要。 控制器设备需要EtherCAT和PROFINET等工业以太网(IE)控制器的支持,才能作为网络设备与伺服系统和变频器等设备进行通信。另一方面,也存在同一网络同时支持多种协议以及多个网络使用同一协议的情况。此外,采用通用以太网与工厂管理系统和HMI设备(如运动控制器、CNC等)进 ...
The Renesas RZ/V2N quad-core MPU integrates an AI accelerator, achieving up to 15 TOPS of AI inference using pruning technology. Pruning reduces memory usage and increases computing efficiency by ...
Both the Arduino and the MPU-6050 board are readily available and ... The enclosure and stand are both 3D-printed, and a PCB not only mounts the components but also serves as a top cover, with ...
The ESP-FLY is a palm-sized drone powered by the XIAO ESP32S3 microcontroller, combining compact design with impressive ...