This latest round of photos comes via the spacecraft's sixth flyby of the solar system's smallest planet, taken some 183 miles (295 kilometers) above Mercury's surface. For reference, the ...
In its January 2008 flyby, MESSENGER imaged 21% of Mercury's surface that had never before been observed by a spacecraft. Moreover, in areas previously imaged by Mariner 10, different lighting ...
Thirty-three years ago, the Mariner 10 spacecraft made its third and final flyby of Mercury ... MESSENGER — short for MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging — zipped ...
This image accompanied the report, “The Evolution of Mercury’s Crust: A Global Perspective from MESSENGER,” by B. Denevi and colleagues appearing in the May 1, 2009, issue of Science ...
This was the sixth and final flyby of Mercury for the BepiColombo spacecraft since its launch in 2018. The manoeuvre put the spacecraft on course to enter orbit around Mercury late next year.