Romancing the Stones: Elgin’s workmen removed a total of 15 metopes from the Parthenon. They also took 247 feet—just under half—of the total frieze, as well as removing one of the caryatids ...
The Parthenon remained a temple for a millennium ... while new marble from the very quarry that initially supplied stone for the temple will fill in gaps where possible, with non-corrosive ...
The 2,500-year-old Parthenon is among the most recognizable embodiments of Greece's golden age, hailed worldwide as a symbol of wealth, culture, and intellect. The marble building was centrally ...
Produced by ElevenLabs and News Over Audio (Noa) using AI narration. Listen to more stories on the Noa app. Ever since the early 19th century, when Thomas Bruce, seventh earl of Elgin, sawed off ...
Steves says, "I like to visit late in the day, as the sun goes down, when the white Parthenon stone gleams a creamy golden brown." The thought of that beauty framed by the sunset makes the heart ...
Around 1800, Lord Elgin removed some of the sculptures from the ruins of the Parthenon in Athens, and a few years later put them on public show in London. For most western Europeans it was the ...
This identity is reinforced with the Parthenon, a full-scale replica of the one found in Athens. Although Nashville's Parthenon was only meant to be temporary – it was built for the Tennessee ...