7, the ship encountered a sudden, powerful wind gust off the coast of Tenerife. The storm caught passengers ... as reported by WPLG. During the alarm, Céline Dion's "My Heart Will Go On" played ...
Passengers and crew on board the Crown Princess cruise ship were on a 14-day round trip from Sydney, Australia, when several ...
The 19-year-old ship began to lean, pitching on a 14-degree angle as tables, chairs and store items were flew around the ...
The footage from inside the huge Crown Princess cruise ship - with capacity to hold 3090 people - showed the chaos that ensued on board as the ship began to tilt ...
“I’ve worked at sea for like four years now and I still get seasick,” said Olivia. She asked her social media followers how they would react to a ship during a storm. Commenting on ...
do your busy jobs aboard ship in time to the music. Create a story: Put all the movement sections together to create a short narrative about sailors at sea during a storm.
Comprehensive supply ship Weishanhu (Hull 887) and guided-missile frigate Dali (Hull 553) attached to a flotilla of the Chinese PLA Navy conduct alongside replenishment-at-sea during an emergency ...
When a hurricane is forecast to hit your embarkation port, your cruise may suddenly depart a day earlier, so the ship can be at sea during the storm, or a day or more later, when weather ...