And whether you think it’s genuine that he hilariously stumbles through these acceptances off-script or believe it’s all an ...
After kicking off with a short montage of films set in Los Angeles as a somber nod to the devastating L.A. fires, the Oscars ...
Fossett was an American businessman and a record-setting aviator, sailor, and adventurer. He made his fortune in the ...
Most people worry about making sure their kids get into good schools.” Under “ competitive authoritarianism ,” as defined by ...
My people can be truly safe if Basel’s people are truly free and safe.” From a medley of James Bond themes to multiple invocations of The Wiz, the Oscars leaned hard into old-school entertainment, and ...
I also have anxiety and depression, which were particularly bad last year, to the point where I sometimes couldn’t get out of ...
She reconciled with her husband and they raised the boy as their own. I have not had any contact with my biological son, at the husband’s request. No one in my family knows I have a secret son. Two ...
In February 2017, for the first time in its long history, the Washington Post adopted an official slogan: “Democracy Dies in ...
The Trump-Zelensky blow-up was preceded, in recent days, by Oval Office visits by French President Emmanuel Macron and U.K.
A few months ago, I caught my 13-year-old son, “Daniel,” with a pack of cigarettes in his room. No idea how he got them, and ...
To start, I am going to repeat something you said back to you: Your husband would not promise to refrain from hitting or ...
Given all this, I find it a little surprising how little I knew about Trachtenberg’s personal life. Though I remember ...