Climate change, perhaps, used to be a topic where reasoned discussion was possible, particularly if people were lacking basic ...
Wrapped around a car's tailpipe, the device could harness waste heat to produce enough electricity to at least charge a phone ...
Astronauts swabbed more than 800 spots on the International Space Station; their samples contained just 6% of the spectrum of ...
By firing rock dust in standard cement kilns, they altered the mineral's chemistry so that it quickly react with carbon ...
New protocols could cut emissions associated with surgical anesthesia in half—with no adverse effects on patient outcomes ...
Let the best of Anthropocene come to you. A new study finds that even as mariculture expands globally, the industry could actually decrease its current biodiversity impact by 30%—if they get smarter ...
Plastic packaging can have substantially smaller environmental impacts—including 70% lower greenhouse gas emissions—compared to other packaging materials, according to a new study. The findings ...